Jiangyue He

    Due to the increasing use of electrical and electronic devices, electronic waste has becoming a major concern. People might feel that their individual effort in e-waste recycling won’t make a significant difference in the broader context of waste management and environmental conservation. Especially when it come to small electronics, there is less motivation on properly dispose and recycling them. In addition, the inconveniences of recycling e-waste and lake of education on the importance of proper disposal/recycle are some of obstacle in e-waste disposal/recycle. Finding ways to encourage everyone dedicate in the recycling of e-waste is critical.

  1. provide electronic waste recycling information to broader audience through creating campaign.
  2. aiming to increase the public awareness of the importance of electronic waste recycling through creating campain.
  3. initiate fundraising to help the department of sanitation in their promotion activities.

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︎︎︎ Any feedback? Feel free to send me a note.


A Problem That Needs to Be Solved

A Series of Campaign that ultilize design psychology and storytelling to successfully raise public awareness and promote e-waste recycling services.

Most smartphone batteries can’t be easily replaced when they stop holding a charge, new laptops don’t accept old cables, and software companies push upgrades that won’t run on old devices. “Our products today don’t last as long as they used to, and it’s a strategy by manufacturers to force us into shorter and shorter upgrade cycles.”

“When we buy something new, we get rid of what’s old. That cycle of consumption has made electronics waste the world’s fastest-growing solid-waste stream.“